Here are a few of the things I've found interesting during the week. All links are correct at the time of posting, but I'm not responsible for them, so if they're not available for some reason, apologies.
I'm reading:
Or She Dies by Gregg Hurwitz. A different take on the kidnap thriller, and at the halfway point, I'm still not sure what's going to happen, so that's good.
I'm listening to:
Sue Townsend's diaries of Adrian Mole have been with me for many years, with ‘Moley' ageing as I do (although he's younger than me). This series, the Prostrate Years (and that's not a typo), follow him into his forties. Beautifully read.
I've been watching:
A really unusual but charming talk, including lyrical works. There are some lines in this that hit home with me. Perhaps there'll be something that you'll like too.
Join me on a Journey into Books
With my readers' group, The Awkward Squad
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