The steak sandwich is great. A thousand flies can't be wrong.
Ronnie Scott

I've always liked jazz, even as a small child. Many children do get jazz. In fact, at the recent country show in Lustleigh, as we sat and watched a local jazz band, my wife pointed out that almost all the very young children passing by broke into a dance as they went along.

I don't know if it's the snappy rhythms or the way order comes from chaos, but something about the music stirs my soul. Put me in an MRI  scanner and play me some jazz, and my brain will surely light up like a Christmas tree. So when Ronnie Scott's All Stars came to play in Exeter as part of a special tour to celebrate 60 years of the iconic Soho jazz club, we bought front row tickets.

It was an evening of anecdotes and sublime music, and I wished it could've gone on for at least another hour. The young drummer, Chris Higginbottom (what a great name), performed a Buddy Rich number and I've never seen anything like it.

Here's a clip of them on YouTube, although a slightly different line-up:

I've been listening to:

Testaments – Atwood's New Book

The BBC are broadcasting a reading of Atwood's new book, Testaments, and if you want, you can also find the full Handmaid's Tale on the site and listen to that too.

Here's a link to the BBC website: Listen Here